Saturday, April 24, 2010

Baby Update!

So I'm a day overdue now and still no baby boy Braddy. I think he wants a name before he makes his debut but since Zack and I can't agree on one I think he'll stay right where he is for now. I'm 2cm and 75% effaced but have been for several weeks w/ no change. He's head down but high. Right now the plan is to go Tuesday to the Dr. and they will check the fluid around the baby and the stress of the baby and assuming I haven't already gone into labor and everything looks fine they will induce sometime Thursday if I don't go before then. Zack and I both have a pretty bad cold right now so I'd like to get better before I go into labor. My prayer is that we will both feel better tomorrow after resting for a day, as I just finished my last client today at 2, and then go into labor early this week w/out being induced. Anyone willing to join me in praying, please do. Just wanted to give everyone that cares a quick update on the status. I'm getting a bit grumpy but thankful that my babies like my uterus so much! Hopefully he will be big, but not so big I can't push him out, and will come out sleeping like a champ. Pray for that too if you think of it!!

We'll post when we've got something to post about!! Much love!


  1. We're praying...and reading your blog :) Could you PLEASE post a pic of your overdue belly?! It would make my day and then everyone can be even more sympathetic. :)

  2. Kim we love you and are praying for you!! I pray that you get over your cold and deliver a healthy, happy, and sleepy baby. Can't wait to see him!!


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