Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fun with Grandmom, Pop, GT, and GiGi

Oh how I love these three!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving...a time to think about what we are most thankful for in our lives. I love to hear the things people are thankful for. Especially children. When I asked Halie what she is most thankful for in the whole world she said, "Ummmm rainbows." Such a simple answer. I am most thankful for God. I am thankful that He chose to send His Son to take the punnishment that I deserve and offer me forgiveness and life. When I think of how Jesus willingly left His throne in Heaven to come to Earth, knowing exactly why He would come, and He chose to anyway. All because He loves me that much! This blows me away. I did nothing to deserve this. What I deserve is to suffer Gods wrath for the rest of eternity. Thank you Jesus for taking my place on the cross!!! Here are a few pics of the festivities...ran my first 5K that morning and enjoyed a meal and some hang out time with my family.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The clock's ticking...Go share your faith!