Joshua 24:15
"As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
Sunday, October 7, 2012
So most of you probably know by now that we lost 2 more babies a few weeks ago. I went to the Dr. for some weird symptoms and learned that I was pregnant but the pregnancy was no longer progressing. After a series of tests they decided they needed to do surgery to figure out what was going on. A simple surgery turned more complicated as the Dr.s did not find a baby in my uterus. After more surgery, they found 2 babies in one of my fallopian tubes. These sweet babies were already in Heaven before I even learned of their existence. Although I wish they had been healthy and would have become part of our family, God was faithful to once again walk with me through this trial. I have been comforted many times by Isaiah 43 - When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Isreal, your Savior.God does not ever promise in His Word that I will have it easy in this life but He does promise to walk with me when it isn't! My hope is in a God that does not change even when our circumstances do. A God that is good, even when our circumstances don't feel that way. And this is why I can rejoice even in trial. Am I sad? Of course! I feel the loss of life and the sadness of that loss but even in that pain I will rejoice. I thought of this song many times when all of this happened and I love the line that says..."What if my greatest dissappointments or the aching of this life is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy?" If you read this (I don't think many do) But if you read this and there is anything in you that feels like you don't have this hope or that you can't rejoice through suffering...I would plead with you to consider the cross. It is by God's grace that I am not angry but thankful! And without the cross changing my life, I would be a bitter, angry woman. You can hear the song on the link below.
I know it will be a sweet day when you see these precious babies in heaven! I consider it a privilege to be your friend and walk with you during these times and the happy times as well! I praise God for His work in your life and for giving you peace & joy in the midst of sadness.
Our hope is that you will enjoy reading about the Braddy family and the events going on in our lives! It is our desire to make Christ known to a lost and dying world and to live out our lives in a manner that will glorify Him. We hope that you are blessed by the time that you spend here!
Everyone will live forever. The question is, though, where will YOU live? The Bible makes it clear that there are 2 options: heaven or hell. If you read the gospels, Jesus spoke of hell twice as much as He spoke of heaven. Unless you believe that Jesus is a liar, then hell does exist. In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus said the following: "Enter in through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction, and there are many who will find it. But narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it." So, how does a man get to heaven? Is it through his good works? Is it by being a good person? Is it one's religion? Is it through baptism? While doing good deeds and being a "good" person are good things, neither of them will get a man to heaven. The Bible actually says that none of us are "good", but in fact, only God is good. The problem is that we tend to compare ourselves to other people; and when we do that, we do indeed find that there are many people who are far worse than we are. But God is not going to judge us based on how we compare to other people, but solely on His standard, which is perfection. Jesus said, "Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect." Unfortunately, none of us are perfect. When we look into the mirror of God's Law (the 10 Commandments),we can see ourselves in our true state. If you have ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, etc. then you are guilty of breaking God's laws. The Bible says that God is the just judge of the universe, and He must punish sin. If God is just, he cannot overlook our lawbreaking. Therefore, someone must pay the penalty for your sins. The question now becomes: who will pay for your sin? You, or Christ? Jesus came to earth 2000 years ago, lived a perfect life, and willingly went to the cross and died a horrifiic death, so that you and I could be pardoned. It was the ultimate legal transaction: you and I broke the law, and Jesus stepped in and paid your fine in His life's blood. However, it's not simply enough to have a knowledge of these events. God requires something of us. Acts 17:30 says that "God commands all men everywhere to repent." Repentance means that we not only confess our sins and acknowledge that we are sorry for them, but we forsake our sins and turn from those things which displease God. Once we have repented, then we must place our trust and faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone for our salvation. We must stop trusting in our good works and transfer that trust unto the Savior. He alone can pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus said in John 14:5, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father but by Me." Once a man has trusted Christ, God will forgive every sin he has ever committed. He'll take away his stony heart and give him a heart of flesh. God will give you new desires, and most important of all, God will give you the gift of everlasting life in Heaven. Not because of anything that we've done, but solely because of the righteousness of Christ that has been imputed to us.
We're Moving...
As from tomorrow this blog will roll over to another site, where we plan to
improve and enlarge each day’s content.
Homeschooling Preschool
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kids are having fun at home! Since I am not working we had no money to
send Ka...
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Christmas and New Years!!
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Here we are a few days before Christmas. I love this guy!!
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Birthday at Simon Speedway
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already??? Moreover, how did we already have a three month old when Isaac
turned 2?!?!?...
The next step for our family...
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> The Church at Brook Hills affirmed Daniel as their next worship pastor. We
> a...
Special Sugar Mtn Memories
This has been a tough week for our family. We lost Great Grandpa on March
18, somewhat unexpectedly and had his services this past weekend. We thank
God fo...
I am so sorry for your loss but praise God for bringing you comfort, peace, and joy during a difficult time.
ReplyDeleteI know it will be a sweet day when you see these precious babies in heaven! I consider it a privilege to be your friend and walk with you during these times and the happy times as well! I praise God for His work in your life and for giving you peace & joy in the midst of sadness.