Yesterday I went to downtown Raleigh to share the Gospel with folks from the inner-city who are either homeless or struggling financially. It was pretty cold, as you can see from the picture. The people are lined up waiting for food, as neighboring churches set up and bring hot meals and blankets for the needy. But, perhaps an even greater need that their physical needs, is their spiritual needs. These people need Jesus. Most of them have no real understanding of what the Gospel is. Most of these folks think that if they go to church, if they are good people, or if they pray a prayer that they are right with God. But, what they fail to understand is that we are each sinners who have fallen desperately short of the mark of perfection that God has laid out for us. Jesus said,"Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect." And none of us are perfect. That is why God must punish us and send each of us to hell, because we have sinned against Him and violated His holy and righteous law. But, thanks be to God, He sent His Son Jesus to live a perfect life, die a brutal death on the cross, and take upon Himself the wrath of God that each of us deserves. We broke God's laws, and Jesus stepped in and paid our fines. Praise Him! Then, He rose from the dead, showing that He had defeated sin and death, and now sits at the right hand of God the Father. What a great Savior we have in Jesus! What He commands us to do is repent (turn from sin) and place our trust in Jesus and his death on the cross for us. Not our good works. Not going to church. Not any other religion, but in Him alone. Jesus said,"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me." (John 14:6)
I had the wonderful privilege of sharing that good news with several folks yesterday. Please be in prayer specifically for Louis, Mike, Damien and his girlfriend, Willie, and Dr. Wolf (don't ask me where that name came from!). I fall in love with these people and realize how much God must really love and care about them. They are hurting, without jobs, without hope, and in need of forgiveness. Pray that they would turn to Him.
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