Today I went to downtown Raleigh to Moore Square. Each 2nd Saturday of the month, Providence Baptist, Kim and I's church, prepares meals and takes food down to hundreds of homeless men and women in the downtown area. Each Saturday that I go down is such a blessing. The funny thing is each Saturday I don't want to go because of the countless other things that I could be doing, but after I go and spend a couple of hours down there, I realize how it was such a blessing not only to the folks that we encountered but to me as well. God is so good!

So,today I had the opportunity to share the gospel with several different men and two females. Some of their names were Ronnie, Michael, Sandra, Charles, Crystal, J.W., and Gerald. Most of these guys have lost their jobs or have gotten hooked on drugs and are now on the streets with no place to stay. My heart goes out to them as I see the hurt and the desperation in their eyes and can hear it in their voices. I want to help them. But more than their physical needs, my heart really breaks for them because of their spiritual needs. They don't know Christ. Most of them believe themselves to be good people and they think that when all is said and done, God will let them into heaven because their good works will outweigh their bad. But, we know that none of us are good, and all of us are deserving of God's wrath. I was privileged with the opportunity to walk each of them through God's laws, show them that they are sinners, and then tell them about their desperate need for the Savior. It is so wonderful to see men and women finally understand the Gospel. It's almost as if a light bulb goes off over their head. While no one trusted Christ today, many seeds were planted. And that's all we're called to do. Plant seeds. God will bring the increase.

This is where the battle is. For men and women's souls. Please join me and begin sharing your faith with those around you who don't know Christ. Every Saturday Moore Square is full of people who need to hear the Gospel. Will you come? We're not guaranteed tomorrow. Who will you share with today?